Distribution Boards

Distribution Board 202209052214

Distribution boards in Kenya

We offer an range of Distribution Boards in Kenya from Schneider Electric, Crabtree, Hager and Havells.

A distribution board (DB) is the equipment where the electrical supply is distributed from within the premise. The main supply cable comes into the board and is then distributed to the breakers and from there to all the circuits, e.g. lights, sockets etc. It usually houses all the contact breakers, earth leakage unit and may house items such as a timers.

Seamless Process Automation supplies various types of distribution boards; as surface mounted, flush mounted or floor standing; with closing doors or see-through plastic covers or doors and in different sizes which are determined by the number of circuits required, also known as “ways” e.g. 4, 6, 8, 12, 16

The interior of the distribution board is pre-fitted with a clip tray or DIN rail for mounting the miniature circuit breakers (MCB) and other devices. These two different types of MCB’s referred to as “mini rail” or “DIN” which are only interchangeable if special adaptor brackets are used. While mini rail MCB’s can be slightly narrower than DIN MCB’s thus giving an advantage of fitting more into the same space available the number of accessories on the market for this type of distribution board is limited as many manufacturers are now using the DIN format for their equipment. With the DIN format, the normal range of earth leakage units, disconnecting switches as well as MCB’s are available.

In addition to this, various types of meters, time switches, pilot lights, surge arresters, etc. are manufactured. This now makes the DIN type of distribution board very versatile. Distribution boards can be purchased either as an empty enclosure to enable the end-user to equip it, or as a ready wired standard unit, or as a specially manufactured item to the client’s requirements. Also available are distribution boards for specific applications such as swimming pools, ready boards for low-cost housing, irrigation systems, etc.  Each distribution board comes with a switch disconnector (mains or main switch).

Distribution boards in Kenya must comply with the following standards:

  1. The distribution board must be suitable for the environmental conditions in which it operates.
  2. Distribution boards shall be protected against corrosion.
  3. Any point of a distribution board that has to be reached during normal operation, must not exceed a height of 2200 mm above floor (or walking) level. However, the board may be mounted higher if it can be disconnected from the supply by a switch disconnector that is less than 2.200 mm above floor level. Unless a residential distribution board is housed in an enclosure and direct access cannot be obtained by an infant, no part of an indoor distribution board can be less than 1.200 mm above the floor level, and no part of an outdoor distribution board can be less than 0.200 mm above the ground level.
  4. A distribution board must not be mounted in a bathroom, or above a fixed cooking appliance, or in a position where a stationary cooking appliance could be put below it, unless the enclosure provides a degree of protection, or within a radius of 1 m from a water tap or valve (in the same room), unless the enclosure provides a degree of protection.
  5. If an installation is likely to be extended, a distribution board with spare capacity should be fitted.
  6. Each unoccupied opening of a distribution board must be fitted with a blanking plate.
  7. Permanent labelling must identify all incoming and outgoing circuits of the distribution board.
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