Consumer Units

Consumer Unit 20220905

Electrical Consumer Units in Kenya: Everything You Need to Know

A consumer unit contains one or more of the following components:

  1. Main Switch Incomer – the main switch is the incomer for the power coming into your premise. This main switch is used to isolate / de-isolate power to the facility
  2. RCD – Residual Current Device reduces the risk of electrocution if live wire comes in contact with human being or any other item that causes earth leakage.
  3. MCB – Miniature Circuit Breaker protect equipment against current overload and / or short-circuit.
  4. SPD – Surge Protection Device protect equipment against electrical surges that may appear in an electrical system.
  5. RCBO – Residual Current Breaker with Over-Current. This consumer unit has a combination of both RCD and an MCB. It offers protection against most electrical faults.
  6. Timer – Used to set time to have the lights or pumps operating
Cost of a Consumer Unit in Kenya?

Cost of a consumer unit is dependent in the following

  • Type of Consumer Units
  1. Main Incomcr Consumer Unit doesn’t come with RCD or MCB. These can be added later if required.
  2. Surge protection consumer units provide formidable circuit protection against surge and overload.
  3. Consumer Unit with RCBOs (Residual Current Circuit Breaker with Overload Protection) as an outgoing device, you get residual current protection.
  • Size of Your Home

The size of your premise dictates how many circuits and amperage needed. Below is the list of available consumer unit citcuits:

  1. 4 Ways
  2. 6 Ways
  3. 9 Ways
  4. 12 Ways

Seamless Process Automation Limited supplies consumer units in Kenya for industrial and commercial applications.

Our popular manufacturer for consumer units include:

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