SCADA control room in Kenya

Discover benefits of SCADA over DCS

  1. Alarm Handling
  2. Trend Curves Pattern
  3. Data Access and Retrieval
  4. Computer Networking and Processing

Alarm Handling

Alarm handling consist of essentially of time stamped alarms to millisecond precision. Single network acknowledgement and control of alarms with sharing and displaying of alarms to all clients in chronological order.

It performs dynamic collection of alarm pages and keep track of deviation and rate of change monitoring for analog alarms. It has the option of Historical alarm and event logging. It is capable of performing On-Line alarm disable and threshold modification with the option of preparing event-triggered alarms and alarm-triggered reports


Trend curves and patterns consists of trend-zooming and display data with event-based trends for short and long-term trend display. It has the option of on-line change of time-based and retrieval of archived historical trend data.

Real Time access and archiving and database management

Realtime access and data retrieval consists of direct, real-time access to data by any network user as well as third-party access to real-time data. It has network compatibility for read, write and execute all input-output device points. Support for direct SQL commands for high level reporting

Computer Networking and processing

Computer networking and processing aspect of supports all compatible networks and protocols. It has centralized alarm, trend and report processing-data available from anywhere in the network and dual networks for full LAN redundancy. Open architecture design with real-time multitasking are important features with client/server fully supported with distributed project updates with concurrent support of multiple display nodes

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